Woman. Warrior. Writer. Jessica Machado
How did you come to author your life?
I was desperate to better understand my relationship with my mother. She died when I was 25 and I thought if I untangled us, I could move on. Oh, how hopeful I was! But the more I wrote about my grief — crafting an arc, not a diary entry — the more I realized the gaping hole of loneliness within me was bigger than her. It had always been there. It was about growing up in Hawai’i and feeling neither local nor haole, about being disconnected from my Native Hawaiian identity. It was about the misogyny my mother and I internalized and how vulnerability in women is considered a weakness. Ultimately, I wrote Local so others who feel different and anxious and “not enough” are less alone.
Jessica Machado is the author of the memoir Local, a Honolulu Book Award-winner. She’s also a senior editor at NBC News Group. Previously, she was an editor at Vox and Rolling Stone. Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, The Cut, Elle and more.
Twitter/X: @jess_e_machado
Website: https://www.jessica-machado.com
Intersectionality: Manuscript Workshop Sept.10-Nov. 12 TUES 1-3PM (HST) An intense fast-paced MFA level workshop. This is a tight cohort of highly accomplished women who are dedicated writers and requires that you work on a specific manuscript project. The class vibe is open, helpful, and for writers who have their eye on the prize of manuscript completion. This class will have you write the pages you need to get your manuscript done. Limited enrollment so only a few spots left! Writing submission required. Instructor permission only. Contact writer@drstephaniehan.com
BREAK: Write Your Divorce Story Workshop Aug. 9 FRI 12-2PM (HST) and Aug. 20 TUES. 9-11AM (HST) is a two hour confidential class is designed for women with limited time who need the basic Divorce Story Structure that will enable them to write a divorce story for their personal/legal file. The workshop introduces how and why the narrative of marriage, divorce, family, and gender affect women’s understanding and perception of self and divorce. Suitable for any stage of divorce. During workshop you will begin to write your divorce story. Disclaimer: Consult a lawyer before putting it in your legal file. See Scarlet Society: HOW TO WRITE YOUR DIVORCE STORY or Youtube for more information.
Women’s Creative Writing Workshop Oct 3-24 THURS 1-3PM (HST) My signature mixed level two-hour generative writing workshop. This workshop prioritizes VOICE and NARRATIVE. I have seasoned writers and beginners in the same class. It works because of what I emphasize. This is designed for women to express their emotional truth and to further their writing technique. This course addresses craft skills and creative process, and uses fiction, non-fiction, and poetry as texts. You will leave class with improved writing skills and a clear understanding of your writing strengths, process, and potential. There is an optional 30 minute one-on-one session.
I’m available for manuscript consultations, writing/teaching projects. Project and package rates available. Please fill out the contact form for details and LMK if you want to jump on a quick call to see if I can help you.
Catherine John Camara (IMW) received a residency from MARS Manship Arts Residency for her creative non-fiction work-in-progress Wombfruit
Congratulations to Lilly U. Nguyen (WCWW, AWCWW) for The Possibilities of a Line in the Colorado Review
E.J. Koh (WWW) is the winner of the 2024 Young Lions Fiction Award for The Liberators

I believe one of the most significant aspects of my writing life has been forging relationships with other writers. When we connect and support each other on our writing journeys we move closer to who we are and feel confident that our stories matter. It’s so important to know that there is someone out there who believes that our dream has meaning.
Our dreams matter because we matter. As we reach across time and words to make sense of the stars and feelings we hold, we often write to validate our voices and experiences. We live in a world that may cruelly suggest that we don’t count, that our ideas are small, that we are irrelevant. There is nothing further from the truth. Our very existence on this planet suggests that we have been privy to magnificence and beauty, and in equal measures sorrows and ugliness. The witnessing of these range of realities gives us the right to create and write a story about this wonderful experience we call Life. To write is to declare our humanity. So write!
I did a hypnotherapy session with writer, hypnotherapist, and Dropping In to Power podcaster Sheila Gallien. I highly recommend her! I wanted to feel calm when going down the face of a wave, or rather, the decision TO go. Gallien gave me some tips, and I’ve been listening to Gallien’s recorded voice several times a week.
It’s made a difference! A life/surf/writing lesson. Once you are up and riding the wave, look in the direction of where you want to go! You know that little voice inside that tells you to do stuff? When I surf I get a shouty loud voice: STEPH, JUST GET UP. STEPH, LOOK AHEAD. NO, NOT DOWN. LOOK UP! C’mon!
Uh…yeah…you know, surfing is supposed to be a lifelong endeavor. One thing for sure, the early morning water has helped me stabilize. That cortisol leaves the body when entering water. Remember that the best surfer is the one who has the most fun!
Context NOT Content
If you put anything into proper context, you can understand it. It does not mean you agree with it or like it. BUT, it does mean that you can bring some perspective to the situation. Whatever stumps you, frustrates you, causes you anguish, understand the context before you come to any conclusion. Do NOT get bogged down with CONTENT. To really chill, think about mortality. We’re all gonna die. It’s about functioning in the here and now. We live in late stage capitalism and there is no gender equity for 131 years--World Economic Forum. So be nice to yourself. It’s amazing you got out of bed and are reading this. If you’re reading this in bed, that’s OK too. It’s all good! You’re gonna be okay!
Saw Ronnie Chieng with Angelina Mercado (WCWW) head of HI State Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Huge July victory effective 1/1/2025: the signing of HB257! Look at Mercado’s testimony from 36:00. No more abusive litigation. YES. YES. YES!
Support Maui
Maui commission votes to phase out short term rentals. Hawai’i’s housing crisis has come to a head, and whatever happens in Maui will affect the rest of the islands. I dare say that it also raises questions about housing affordability in many places.
Folks, they haven’t raised the federal minimum wage in over 20 years, and we have an unprecedented number of billionaires. Income inequality breeds societal instability.
Families remain vulnerable and un-housed. Please consider a donation to the Maui Strong Fund.
Free Palestine
How to Justify the Genocide of Palestinians in 14 easy steps: A graphical guide from author Nora Lester Murad. Make demands from politicians who represent our nation. Refuse to simplify the narrative.
Buy Merch

Woman. Warrior. Writer. T-shirts and hoodies for writing student financial aid
These are pretty cool. Plus they help women attend writing workshops!